Complaints Procedure

We value your feedback and we take any complaints or dissatisfaction with our service very seriously. Our aim is to provide mediation services in accordance with international standards. Complaints will be handled thoroughly and confidentially.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of the services we provide, please send a complaint in writing to Dan Jin via email at It would be helpful for you to include your name, the parties involved in your mediation, and the date your mediation took place or was scheduled. Please provide as much detail as you are comfortable with, as this will help us understand your complaint and the ways you would like us to resolve it.

You will receive an acknowledgment of receipt of your complaint within five working days. The complaint will be fully investigated. We may need to contact you for further information. You will receive a written response to your complaint within twenty-one days, unless an extension is required, which will be discussed with you.

If you are not satisfied with our response, you may appeal to the Secretariat of the Civil Mediation Council at The Civil Mediation Council is a professional body that promotes and regulates civil mediation in the UK.

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with feedback. We are committed to improving the quality of the services we provide.